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Selasa, 27 November 2012

Doa Nabi Sulaiman


Robbi auzidni an askhuro ni’matakallati an amta allaya wa ala wa li dayya wa an a’mala sholikhan tardhohu wa ad khilni birrohmatika fi ibadikas sholikhin“ (an naml; 19)
Artinya : Ya Tuhan kami berilah aku ilham untuk selalu mensyukuri nikmatmu yang telah Engkau anugerahkan kepadaku, dan kepada kedua ibu bapakku dan mengerjakan amal sholeh yang Engkau ridloi, dan masukkanlah aku dengan rahmatMu kedalam golongan hamba-hambMu yang Sholeh.

Doa Nabi Sulaiman


Robbi auzidni an askhuro ni’matakallati an amta allaya wa ala wa li dayya wa an a’mala sholikhan tardhohu wa ad khilni birrohmatika fi ibadikas sholikhin“ (an naml; 19)
Artinya : Ya Tuhan kami berilah aku ilham untuk selalu mensyukuri nikmatmu yang telah Engkau anugerahkan kepadaku, dan kepada kedua ibu bapakku dan mengerjakan amal sholeh yang Engkau ridloi, dan masukkanlah aku dengan rahmatMu kedalam golongan hamba-hambMu yang Sholeh.

Selasa, 13 November 2012

World's most expensive hat


Remember the British royal marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey Church April 29?All ladies are invited to come wearing a hat. One of them is Princess Beatrice. Now hats are worn 22-year-old daughter to be the talk.Yesterday a similar hat toilet seat or a pretzel bread and pastry turkey twizzler is sold for 81100.01 pound sterling, or approximately USD 1.1 billion in the eBay auction page.The plan proceeds will be donated to Unicef ​​and Children in Crisis. Not yet known who the mysterious buyer. "I hope the auction winner happy as I feel when wearing it," said Princess Beatrice in Telegraph May 22, 2011.The majority of hats invited guests at the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey church mostly made Irish designer Philip Treacy.Some hats are worn as dinner plates, while others are very large that cover the face of the wearer.In addition to Princess Beatrice, Treacy makes hats for the wife of Prince Charles, Duchess of Cornwall, Princess Eugenie, Princess Michael of Kent, Queen Anna-Marie of Greece and Princess Mathilde of Belgium and artist Victoria Beckham. "Hats that are the ultimate accessory," Treacy said told The Associated Press recently.Treacy spent months making these hats are on average more than 1,000 pounds worth about USD 15 million rupiah

Senin, 05 November 2012

Tekhnik main bola basket


Fade Away
Fade away adalah tehnik yang mendorong badan kebelakang saat melakukan shoot, sehingga menyulitkan defender untuk menghadang bola. tehnik ini lumayan susah dilakukan buat kamu yang baru belajar basket.

Cara Mudah Belajar Bahasa Inggris


 Bahasa Inggris telah diakui sebagai bahasa internasional. Artinya, masyarakat yang berasal dari beragam latar belakang goegrafi, agama dam kultur telah memiliki suatu media yang disepakati untuk berkomunikasi satu sama lainnya, yaitu Bahasa Inggris. Dengan fenomena ini, maka kita dapat menarik suatu gambaran yang jelas bahwa Bahasa Inggris memberi ruang gerak yang seluas-luasnya kepada kita untuk larut menjadi bagian dari komunitas global masyarakat dunia.

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

How to Remove Stains Former Acne Naturally and Herbal Medicine. Both women and men, acne is one thing that can be said that the disease may be despised. The presence of acne makes people look inferior and insecure. Acne can leave scars in the form of black spots or maybe basins.But do not worry bro and sis mas, for acne scars you can handle yourself. By using these natural way, you can minimize or eliminate the stain completely. But you need to know about How To Eliminate Acne first.Here are some How To Eliminate Acne Used to get back smooth skin, try the version you deserve Times of India.

To prevent acne, always clean the face of make-up before bed. But if it has been raised pimples that leave black stains afterwards, try to use a mask of Sandalwood.
Masks are made from sandalwood wood base was believed to eliminate acne scars. In addition, you can also use honey on acne scars for 5 minutes before rinsing using cold water.
If you want to use other ingredients, mix milk and oatmeal for a face mask for 10 minutes and rinse. Mask of egg whites are also believed to have the same effects as milk and oatmeal.
However, if the injury is too severe acne scars, you need to use cosmetic procedures such as microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and laser resurfacing.How to Eliminate Former Acne Naturally

Take advantage of the egg as a mask. Let stand for 15-20 minutes then wash with clean water. Do this twice a week.
Moisten cotton with lemon and rub the acne blemishes. Previously, for sure your skin is cleaned with warm water. Let stand spread lime for a few moments and rinse with water.
Acne blemishes can also be overcome with pineapple. Simply puree pineapple and make a face mask. After that, wash with water.
Besides beneficial for the body, honey as a topical remedy for reducing acne blemishes. Apply to acne scars every day, or to mix with fruit mask.
If you wish to use tea tree oil, how to stay put to Bakas acne regularly.
For ingredients of herbs, acne blemishes can be treated with tamarind and turmeric. Saffron mash until smooth, then add a little water and tamarind. Wear a mask.Eliminate Former Acne with Lemon Herbal MedicinesOrange juice is a healthy option of fruit that can be found everyday. Besides lemon handy to keep skin fresh and eliminate acne blemishes.Efficacy lime potent enough to overcome acne blemishes on the face. With the use of natural and simple, how to treat them capable of removing stains and moisturize the skin.Use lemon juice to the face can be done with the following steps:

originally a lime cut in two parts.
After that squeezed lime juice, to drink but can also be mixed with honey for a face mask.
After the oranges are squeezed, the skin with the rest of meat can be used to rub on the face. "The water content of lime can reduce the oil on your face, if there is antiseptic honey mask for acne wash.

Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Sejarah bahsa sunda

dituturkan oleh sekitar 27 juta orang dan merupakan bahasa dengan penutur terbanyak kedua di Indonesia setelah Bahasa Jawa. Sejarah Bahasa Sunda Sesuai dengan kebudayaannya, bahasa Sunda dituturkan di provinsi Banten khususnya di kawasan selatan provinsi tersebut, sebagian besar wilayah Jawa Barat (kecuali kawasan pantura yang merupakan daerah tujuan urbanisasi dimana penutur bahasa ini semakin berkurang), dan melebar hingga batas Kali Pemali (Cipamali) di wilayah Brebes, Jawa Tengah.